Weight Loss Strategies PDFs for daily diet free living! The pages and links listed here are a compilation of all the PDFs added to this website over time.
This is to make it easier to find the pages that are meant to help you in your daily practice by printing them and taking them with you.
These are the very processes I used to lose 100 pounds myself and I have kept it off over 30 years! These processes really work - but only if you work it! It is your most natural way to be with food and eating, it just got obscured with conditioning and dieting.
Use the information from my free PDF's below to help you daily, to create your new weight loss strategies. They will allow you to develop new habits, new behavior and freedom from the tyranny of the ego that wants you to keep doing what you have done, and stay stuck with excess weight forever. Now you can be diet free and experience weight loss.
You were born into this world fully connected to your inner wisdom regarding eating, all babies exhibit this.
Now you can undo the conditioning in behavior and beliefs that has obscured your inner wisdom and reconnect with your constant guidance system that leads towards wellness and a healthy body weight.
Simply use some of these tools with your daily experiences with each time of eating anything, and begin to observe your thinking, feeling and believing especially when you want to eat without hunger or beyond fullness, opposing your inner wisdom.
Something is tricking you when this happens. It could be simple habit, so wake up and be very conscious in your eating experiences!
Connect with your belly, touch it and ask "Am I hungry?". Stay fascinated and curious. Ask yourself saying with fascination and curiosity "Hmm, what might be up with me if I want to eat and I am not hungry in my belly". These tools will really help if you use them.
It is actually easy once your consciousness has shifted and these concepts are a part of your thinking. You can't be tricked once you know the trickster's pranks. It is actually humorous when you realize what is going on and make the translation by getting your needs met, correcting your beliefs, or releasing and allowing your feelings to move through you.
Anatomy of a Fat Thought (this is where it all begins)
Causes of Obesity (not what you think they are)
Causes of Overeating (you might be surprized)
Conscious Eating (Be present in the moment, slow it down and enjoy every bite thoroughly)
In the Beginning (the Obsession with losing Weight)
Introduction to EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
Legalizing is Normalizing (this takes the power of trigger foods)
Mouth Hunger is a signal (don't miss the message! It is a need, a feeling or a belief)
Other Hungers (these are Universal Needs or "The More" you are wanting in your life)
The Balanced Eating Plan (calculate what you need to eat daily and use food exchanges for variety)
The Health Thought Cycle (even dieting "for health reasons" will backfire over time)
The Lies we believe (these are the ways we are conditioned to eat beyond fullness)